16cm x 10cm x10cm
Display model in resin. Can be finished in bronze, silver, gold leaf and gold.
Price dependent on finish, please contact us to discuss.
Contact: info@artin.agency
John Cotton: +447788276922
Servanne Sohier: +447779577614
I am interested in the idea that we as adults can forget how to behave in a natural way. We may overthink and forget to feel.
Love is a feeling, an emotion and logic is the thought, the analytic brain. They can come from the same body but behave differently. Who wins when? The figures are the same yet unique, as the cast will come out differently everytime even from the same mold.

Margot grew up in Versailles, just outside of Paris, where her fascination with the palace gardens inspired her passion as a sculptor. She studied a degree in technical arts and special effects at Wimbledon college of art in London, gaining a great knowledge in both figurative sculpture and the various technical skills that surround the discipline.
She was taught by Allan Sly whose work can be seen around London. She creates lifelike sculptures in highly naturalistic poses.
“Capturing likeness is one of Margot’s real Talent […] She is a young talent who has worked for leading British sculptors and is attracting Patrons for commissions in her own right.”.
Margot has since established herself as a commission based artist, doing portraits of the likes of Thierry Henry, Edward Lear and AA Milne, whilst also working commercially for numerous established artists as well as being a sculptor for Madame Tussaud’s. With an eye for form and a passion for clay, making dreams come reality is one of Margot’s life mission.
Margot enjoys the challenges set by working to commission. Comfortable in a variety of scales, her works can accommodate every environment.