Chris White
Size: 90x30cm
Medium: Acrylic on Aluminium Panel (Tray framed)
Price: £10,250 (Shipping not included)
Contact: buzzvizualz@gmail.com
Instagram: @buzzvizualz

Chris White
Size: 90x50cm
Medium: Acrylic on Aluminium Panel (Tray framed)
Price: £13,550 (Shipping not included)
Contact: buzzvizualz@gmail.com
Instagram: @buzzvizualz
Since retiring from formal arts education as a lecturer in visual communication I have spent the last 4 years focussed on developing my own visual language. Incorporating graphic art elements with abstract gestural techniques my work primarily endeavours to take the viewer on a journey. The machine in motion, it’s universal flow and dynamics are the what I strive to visualise and portray in my works. The flow of energy created by the union of combustion and engineering.
I use a range of materials and processes that I have evaluated as representative of my character. Fluid paint, layered with spray paint as abstract flow motion combined with representational realism. A union of abstract and literal elements that form meditative artefacts. My works are situated worldwide, including several artworks large and small on permanent display at The Haas Motorcycle Museum in Dallas Texas
I paint movement! My preferred platform to combine mark making with realism is aluminium. I also enjoy painting on other substrates including paper, wood and layered plexiglass.
Although the past few years have been very engaged with motorcycle artworks I am now expanding into automobiles and have recently completed what I feel is a strong representation of my unique style. The Aston Martin “Valkyrie”
Two of these artefacts are literal representations of iconic vehicles and the other two are abstract studies on the theme of universal motion. I am 56 years young and live in the UK